• Engagement Data Processing Lag

    8/28/2024 9:42AM:
    UPDATE: Our support team has implemented a fix that is currently processing. This post will be updated once the processing is complete.

    8/27/2024 5:42PM:
    Some customers are experiencing an engagement data lag. Our support team has isolated the root cause and we are working through the fix. This post will be updated once this fix is released and confirmed.

  • [RESOLVED] Connectivity Issues with Search Provider

    We’ve been notified by our search provider that they are experiencing connectivity issues. They are investigating and working on a fix. This post will be updated once connectivity is restored.

    5/29/2024 11:15AM: Update from provider:
    We have engaged a number of teams across the organization and are working to mitigate the issue. We will send another update in approximately 30 minutes.

    5/29/2024 11:45AM: Update from provider:
    We are still attempting to mitigate the issue. We will send another update in approximately 30 minutes.

    5/29/2024 12:15PM: Update from provider:
    We are still attempting to mitigate the connectivity issues in AWS us-west-2. We will post another update in ~30 minutes.

    5/29/2024 12:45PM: Update from provider:
    We have identified a possible issue and are working to mitigate the problem. We will post another update in ~30 minutes.

    5/29/2024 1:00PM: Update from provider:
    Service has been restored and are now setting this incident to monitoring.

  • [Resolved] Problem with the search function on Opportunity Overview

    We are currently experiencing an issue with our search provider that is causing an error when trying to search on the Opportunity Overview page. We are waiting for our provider’s response and will update once the issue is resolved.

    Update 5/30/2024 7:00PM: The issue has been resolved and the ability to search on Opportunity Overview has been restored.

  • [Retroactive] UI Bug Affecting ABA Switch on Actuals Overview

    A UI bug was discovered that prevented the ABA switch from working on the Actuals Overview page. Turning ABA “on” had no effect on results for opportunity layers, when a campaign filter was present. The issue has been resolved and the ABA switch is now working correctly on that page.

  • [Retroactive] LinkedIn integration issues with upstream provider

    Last week the rampmetrics team was made aware of an oAuth permissions issue that our upstream LinkedIn integration provider was experiencing, that was preventing the import of new LinkedIn cost data. Our upstream provider communicated with us that they were actively working on a solution. This morning we were notified that the fix was in place and we are currently updating the LinkedIn data to bring it up to date.

    Update 2/20/2024 11:38AM PST: All recent LinkedIn data has been imported and processed.

  • [Retroactive] Issue with close date field on opportunities

    It was recently discovered that the import data flow for opportunities was incorrectly converting the “Close Date” field from date to datetime.

    Background: in rampmetrics, dates are always stored as datetime, meaning that there is always a time associated with a date stamp. In Salesforce, “Close Date” is always stored as a date field with no time associated. When a date field is converted to a datetime field, the conversion assumes the time to be 12am UTC on the date in question. That converted datetime field then get translated to the rampmetrics local time zone, which is UTC -8 hours. Therefore, a Close Date in salesforce of, for example, January 1, 2023 would get converted in rampmetrics to December 31, 2022, at 4pm.

    Resolution: rampmetrics now adds enough hours to these converted date stamps so that they show up on the correct day.

  • [Retroactive] Error on Cohort Funnel

    A bug was discovered when selecting an Opportunity layer on the cohort funnel page, preventing those layers from loading when they are selected. The bug has been fixed during a recent deployment. Please reach out to your rampmetrics support team if you are still seeing issues.

  • App Instability

    The rampmetrics app is currently experiencing instability around index performance. The index clusters are currently restarting and will continue to report errors until they are fully restarted.

  • Indexing Delays

    The engineering team is seeing delays in indexing new records this morning due to a data spike last night. We anticipate that indexing will be finished by this afternoon.

    Update 3:20pm: Indexing completed around 2pm today.

  • Data Processing Issues Resolved

    The engineering team implemented some changes over the weekend that appear to have resolved the data processing delays. We will continue to monitor the daily build process in the coming days.